You came online to earn a part time or full time income, right, and I would be willing to bet that you also, hoped, in the back of your mind, that you could have FUN while earning, too.
C'mon, be serious, I'm sure you thought about that a bit, right? At least you didn't plan on your online business being daily drudgery that was almost as bad as a J.O.B. and, worse yet, didn't pay you a regular salary.
I was in the same boat, felt the same emotions, fears and frustrations until I found an advertising and income HOME.
Yep, a trusted community where I could EARN (for referrals and performing simple tasks) that also gave me built in advertising for my main program.
It was manna from heaven, let me tell you!
And what I found, that was truly fascinating, was that every time I uncovered a new and rewarding feature, I realized it was designed to create more money and better advertising results for members.
I was truly blown away, I think you'll agree, too, as we dive into some details about this new service.
First and foremost, it is providing me a way that I can EARN EVERY DAY by performing simple tasks. Yes, I have a primary business to build but I also need to earn consistent money while building my main business and I'm sure you are in the same boat and so is your team.
But, what's great, is that I can earn Free Advertising AND Cold Hard Cash Every Day by perfoming simple tasks just a few minutes a day.
I'm sure that you have heard of Traffic Exchanges which are a VERY Popular way for experienced marketers and "newbies" alike to gain exposure for their program at a very low (or even free) cost.
Well, I can tell you that I have found a First of It's Kind Traffic Exchange, just recently launched by Frank Bauer and Clinton Clark that is truly a Revolutionary LEAP Forward in Advertising and Income.
InfinityTrafficBoost ("ITB") allows you to earn traffic credits AND revenue share cash DAILY merely by spending a few minutes surfing other websites.
What's so cool, too, is that ITB is the world's first Truly Legal and Sustainable Revenue Share Traffic Exchange purchase points from as low as $2.63 to as high as $2,630.36. Yep! There is something for everyone and EVERYONE can benefit from both the little and the big purchases.
I want to talk to you about the sustainable revenue share in a minute, but I first want to explain what blew me away with the compensation plan - an idea that has been a long time in coming in this industry - pay every member for every sale they make regardless of their membership level!
Think about it, if members on a low budget can earn big commissions, they will probably put a bit more effort into marketing, right?
And, if the Big Players, well financed marketers, can earn even BIGGER Commissions, they'll be quite happy to market, too, right (I mean, c'mon, a $1,829.82 commission - with potential leverage - HAS to be appealing, right?)
That's what I found at InfinityTrafficBoost - ALL Members earn a MINIMUM of 30% commission on all sales they generate or get passed to them (ooooh, ANOTHER Hidden benefit!) and as much as 80%. That's real money!
And why is this important to you, why should you care about OTHER People making money?
Well, it's very simple, it's because the more people who are promoting ITB the more "eyeballs" will be seeing YOUR ads and providing YOU with more value and more exposure for your main program.
But, wait, it gets better, too (See, I told you that as I "peeled the onion" here at ITB the better and better it got!).
Every time there is an advertising purchase made in InfinityTrafficBoost 10% of the purchase price is allocated to the Surfers Rewards Pool. These Surfers Rewards are released to the qualifying participants in a consistent fashion creating reliable and income potential for participants. PLUS, that 10% is enhanced by even MORE admin contributions when a sale is made by a member who earns 30% instead of the max 80%.
So, you can see, that by merely surfing a few sites a day ITB members can earn consistent cash that could grow to be very sustainable and reliable and is further enhanced by purchasing additional advertising.
As members purchase larger and larger advertising packages they get more advertising credits to advertise their main program and they are able EARN more from Referrals and SURF More to earn more in the Surfers Rewards Pool! (See what I told you... Everything they do at ITB is designed to generate more money and more (better) traffic for members!)
Should we dig a bit deeper into the compensation plan, peel that onion just a bit more?
Two things that I want to wrap up with here (1) Leverage and (2) Residual Income.
First, the leverage... ITB has created an INCREDIBLE compensation plan that rewards you for your referral efforts so you want to tell your friends about ITB right away. You'll earn 30% - 80% of their purchase of any package level equal to or one price point higher than what you have purchased as long as you have met the minimal surfing requirements.
But, here's where the Leverage kicks in (stay with me, it gets good here!)... Every fourth sale you make at each of the purchase price points is paid UP to your sponsor or qualifying sponsor. Watch -- That means that YOU'LL be receiving every fourth sale from each of your direct referrals to infinity width and in some cases that can go to infinity depth!
NOTE: Another FASCINATING feature with ITB is that, while there are 11 price points, you do NOT have to purchase each package in ascending order. Nope... rather, when you purchase advertising credits at a particular price point you'll be able to earn boosted (80%) commissions one level HIGHER (as noted above) plus ALL the lower levels. Plus you earn 30% commissions on all remaining packages.
Wow, that is a HUGE incentive to purchase up a few levels, don't you think? Having the ability to earn boosted commissions on multiple levels by purchasing only on one? Wow! (Of course, always stay within your budget, but invest in and believe in yourself. ITB is here to help you earn, build and succeed!)
Now, the final piece to this fantastic puzzle (or should we say this dwindling onion as we peel it? LOL) and that final piece is RESIDUAL Income!
Check this out... When you purchase an advertising credits package in InfinityTrafficBoost you are immediately "Purchase Boost Activated" for 90 days. This means you are now positioned to earn up to 80% commissions on that level, one level above and all purchase levels below for 90 days. To continue to earning at that purchase level after 90 days, you'll need to purchase another advertising credits package.
What ITB has created is an incredible opportunity to earn RECURRING Income without the fear and hassle of setting up a subscription payment. If you are earning from your efforts (surfing OR referrals) you'll surely want to keep referral and, here's the good part, so will YOUR Referrals and "Up" sales!
How cool is that? START NOW
So, I hope you can now see why I am so very excited about InfinityTrafficBoost. I know that ITB has already made me a nice consistent income and provided me with excellent exposure for my main program.
The Community at InfinityTrafficBoost is intelligent, active and engaged which is exactly the type of audience you want to view your ads, right?
I would encourage you to check out ITB now, join free and have a look around. Yes, as noted above you CAN earn as a free member and you CAN earn without referrals.
But WOW, Can you earn and benefit a LOT more as a paid member - Check it out today and feel free to post here any questions or comments that you may have!
Oh, and if you are wondering, you can purchase into ITB with PayZa or BitCoin, Commissions on sales in BitCoin are paid INSTANTLY Via BitCoin and Surfing Rewards are paid every two weeks, also via BitCoin.
How cool is THAT? START NOW
You can get all detailed information about the program from the InfinityTrafficBoost site at So if you want to get more traffic and see your earnings grow, try InfinityTrafficBoost. You have nothing to lose with it.
Τετάρτη 30 Αυγούστου 2017
Legal And Sustainable Surfers Reward Pool
- Rewards our members for Surfing Sites!
We believe in sharing the wealth with ourInnovative Compensation Plan
- Extra rewards for active members!
Advertisers are rewarded with an additional 50% commission BOOST to leverage the very active! You will earn 30-80% commissions to Infinity! (Surfers: 30% - Advertisers: 30-80%)Truly Worldwide
- Members accepted from over 250 Nations worldwide!
This provides massive reach for your ads and an explosive referral potential where you can earn and benefit from a surfer AND an affiliate downline - the Best of Both Worlds!Recurring Income
- Generated without mandatory subscription!
Let's be honest... Subscriptions scare people, right? Well, here at ITB, You can CHOOSE to renew to continue receiving top notch advertising, compelling affiliate earnings and/or participation in the Surfers Reward Pool. And we think you will, anyway, because we are proud of our advertising product and we know you will be, too!Worldwide Payment Options
- We accept BitCoin, PayZa and Credits Cards!
Because we accept and pay you with a truly WorldWide Currency, BitCoin, we can accept members from ALL Countries - This means greater reach for you, it's easier to refer members and more surfing and exposure for all!GET STARTED TODAY
Δευτέρα 28 Αυγούστου 2017
Writing About What You Love?
That's the most common cliché amongst bloggers, online experts and internet entrepreneurs. I'm sure you heard it before. I utilized this advice myself. It goes like this: If you want to make money online, you got pick a topic that you're passionate about. You need to enjoy it, else it won't work.
I used to agree with it, one hundred percent. Lately, however, I started calling into question that rule. Creating a site on a topic that you love is certainly a great technique, and it does work
well for many individuals, but I'm not sure if it's the only way to go. The first flaw I see on that rule is the following fact: if the niche or topic you love isn't a profitable one, it will be pretty hard to make a lot of money online with it no matter what you do.
Suppose you love tea. Should you write about it if you want to make money online? I am not sure. You could certainly create a popular website around tea, but if you decided to go with a more profitable niche instead, while putting the same effort and time, you could end up making much more income.
One argument that people use to back up the “you got write about what you love” theory is the fact that if you choose a topic merely because it is profitable, soon you will lose the
motivation. If you write about something you love, on the other hand, you will have content for years to come. This is partially true, but not completely, because some people get motivated by the pure desire of making money or becoming successful.
In other words, if they start a website on a profitable niche and see that their efforts is bringing a good amount of money, they
will get motivated no matter what the topic is. They will even do research and learn about it if needed. So what is my position now? I think that both strategies can work.
Choosing a niche or topic because you love it is a good route to success, but choosing a profitable one and approaching it scientifically can be equally successful.
Are Your Blogs Losing Money
What is the culture medium with the biggest advertising
spending on the globe? Television. Television ads are so effective for advertisers and so lucrative for TV companies, because viewers will inevitably pay attention to the
advertisements. Would we be able to say the same things about content based websites, like blogs? Not exactly. If you consider Google AdSense or banner ads, the most used monetization methods, you will conclude that they practically different from the editorial content.
For instance, if you have a blog and display ads on your sidebar only your readers will be able to altogether brush off the advertisements if so they desire. A few even use ad-blockers, so they will not see your AdSense units or banners regardless where you place them.
What would the equivalent of a television ad be for a blog? Likely an advertorial, which is an article written by the advertiser about his product, and put up in the blog like an additional post. Another option is the sponsored reviews, which are posts published by the blogger critiquing a particular
product or service. Most bloggers choose this example because they get to write the article content themselves, and readers will not be bothered with another writing style.
Here’s a fact that reinforces the similarity of sponsored reviews with TV advertisements: If you ask any advertiser whether he would like to pay for a banner ad or for a sponsored review, he
will certainly say the sponsored review. Why? Because he will acquire a much better return on investment, as the sponsored review will give his product a better and greater kind of exposure with the readers of that blog
If possible, go back to the exact location and repeat the same action of what you were doing, and try to discover more great ideas. You will need to purchase a notebook.
It is imperative that you always have something close by to write down your thoughts. I am suggesting that you get a notebook because ideas will pop in your head at various hours of the day or night. For example, you might find yourself suddenly awakened by an idea that popped into your head, and you want to write it down immediately. Moreover, trust me, this does happen in the middle of the night when you start developing yourself.
Electronic devices take some time to get booted up, and you might lose your thought. However, if you have a notebook you just quickly fetch your notebook and make jottings, then in the morning, you could type and save your concepts in whatever storage software you use. No matter how brilliant you are, you will not be adept to retain all the concepts in your head.
The thought that you will forget, if you do not jot it down, might be the very idea which is your ticket to get on the success train.
Developing the healthy habit of jotting down your ideas also gives you the opportunity to analyze better your plans, and to be able to group or tweak
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them. That is progress, and you will feel good at what you have accomplished and be more motivated to put them into action.
You are elated now because you have chosen what you believe is the best idea and you are ready to put it into action. It will be at this moment that fear will opt to cripple your mind.
Creating doubts about your idea and your ability to implement them successfully. If you do not believe in yourself, and if you have not entirely convinced yourself that this is your time. That you were born to make an indelible mark on the lines of history and you are feeling your greatness churning in the depths of your guts. That you cannot control it anymore and you need to
find your best life. Then, I am afraid that you will only get stuck at jotting down great ideas and not knowing where those ideas would propel you on your predestined path of prosperity
It is imperative that you always have something close by to write down your thoughts. I am suggesting that you get a notebook because ideas will pop in your head at various hours of the day or night. For example, you might find yourself suddenly awakened by an idea that popped into your head, and you want to write it down immediately. Moreover, trust me, this does happen in the middle of the night when you start developing yourself.
Electronic devices take some time to get booted up, and you might lose your thought. However, if you have a notebook you just quickly fetch your notebook and make jottings, then in the morning, you could type and save your concepts in whatever storage software you use. No matter how brilliant you are, you will not be adept to retain all the concepts in your head.
The thought that you will forget, if you do not jot it down, might be the very idea which is your ticket to get on the success train.
Developing the healthy habit of jotting down your ideas also gives you the opportunity to analyze better your plans, and to be able to group or tweak
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them. That is progress, and you will feel good at what you have accomplished and be more motivated to put them into action.
You are elated now because you have chosen what you believe is the best idea and you are ready to put it into action. It will be at this moment that fear will opt to cripple your mind.
Creating doubts about your idea and your ability to implement them successfully. If you do not believe in yourself, and if you have not entirely convinced yourself that this is your time. That you were born to make an indelible mark on the lines of history and you are feeling your greatness churning in the depths of your guts. That you cannot control it anymore and you need to
find your best life. Then, I am afraid that you will only get stuck at jotting down great ideas and not knowing where those ideas would propel you on your predestined path of prosperity
Learn To Discover Your Talents
Learn To Discover Your Talents
You will find individuals with similar Success Rituals, but they all produce different results. This is because everyone has different opportunities and how we react to situations is different. Notably, persons will have similar talent, but each talent comes with a unique ability. If you do
not discover the uniqueness that comes with your talent, you might never truly stand out from
the others that are in the exact field as you are. If you cannot produce extraordinary results
, then your advancement will be either mediocre or below average. Mediocre and below average results will never give you the title of a successful person.
You will only discover the uniqueness that comes with your talent after you have started using your talent. Let us take a look at some Success Rituals Fundamentals that you must ensure you
develop. Build your rock-solid Success Rituals starting with those listed on the ladder below:
The first step on the Success Rituals Fundamentals is to believe in YOU. If you do not believe in yourself, you will never really discover your true potentials. Apart from finding what hidden
treasures of skills you have buried within, is knowing, how and when you are at your best.
Some people will tell you that they think better having a hot cup of coffee. Some after they take a shower or go for a jog, then ideas will start to overflow in their head. Think back to the time you were able to unravel your best idea. What were you doing at the time that happened and where were you when that happened?
Πέμπτη 24 Αυγούστου 2017
Steps To Building A Successful Blog
Steps To Building A Successful Blog
An Acquaintance recently asked me if I would help her begin a blog. Her request inspired me to look at what I have acquired from operating my own blog for the past two years. My initial proposition was to spend awhile learning and reading. The World Wide Web is flooded with blogging data and advice.
I am not the man to aid you in returning immense numbers overnight, but this data is all over. I am also not the source for technical points; I acknowledge what I ought to know for my situation, and I determine more as I require it.
I assume I am like most individuals who release material on the Internet. I classify myself as a small-but-serious blogger. I am also a big-time consumer of material and media. I follow many blogs in several niches, both for material and to learn what works. So based on my experience, what should I tell my acquaintance that’ll get her set out without consuming her?
Here is where I began. For me, blogging is basically a relationship. Two crucial components of any relationship are intent and association. Choose what you want to achieve. You are able to find dozens of high-quality direction about every aspect of arranging and controlling your blog, but none of it is one-size-fits-all. Each choice-design, program, post length, style—depends on the ending goal you have. Conclusions that do not seem like a big deal now may become crucial later.
For instance, self-hosting with your own domain may feel like an unneeded expense, but it is crucial if your goal is to construct a personal brand or a business around your web site. Remember that it is about your audience. Design should fit the blog’s personality. An overly easy design might appear plain and undesirable, but the minimalist theme in reality sets the tone for his/her message and heightens the material. Everything matters. Every choice either moves you towards your goal or away from it.
Personally, I do not pay a lot of attention to figures because traffic is not part of my objective. I consider and track analytics each month, but that is really more about curiosity. I seek trends, try out other ideas, and learn from my errors. I consider my site as a ring, and I think about appealing to readers who heighten the quality of the discussion. The point? My technique is deliberate and fits my total goal. Incidentally, my figures have more than tripled since 1/1/10. Information, expertise, and opinion are promptly available from an endless assortment of sources.
I consistently follow writers and other bloggers to keep up with the trends and ideas of others. The things that are most important are consistency and legitimacy. Antics and tricks provide short-term spikes at the expense of long-term trust and loyalty. You may fool me into visiting, but I won’t be back if you treat me like a fool. Beware of barriers
An Acquaintance recently asked me if I would help her begin a blog. Her request inspired me to look at what I have acquired from operating my own blog for the past two years. My initial proposition was to spend awhile learning and reading. The World Wide Web is flooded with blogging data and advice.
I am not the man to aid you in returning immense numbers overnight, but this data is all over. I am also not the source for technical points; I acknowledge what I ought to know for my situation, and I determine more as I require it.
I assume I am like most individuals who release material on the Internet. I classify myself as a small-but-serious blogger. I am also a big-time consumer of material and media. I follow many blogs in several niches, both for material and to learn what works. So based on my experience, what should I tell my acquaintance that’ll get her set out without consuming her?
Here is where I began. For me, blogging is basically a relationship. Two crucial components of any relationship are intent and association. Choose what you want to achieve. You are able to find dozens of high-quality direction about every aspect of arranging and controlling your blog, but none of it is one-size-fits-all. Each choice-design, program, post length, style—depends on the ending goal you have. Conclusions that do not seem like a big deal now may become crucial later.
For instance, self-hosting with your own domain may feel like an unneeded expense, but it is crucial if your goal is to construct a personal brand or a business around your web site. Remember that it is about your audience. Design should fit the blog’s personality. An overly easy design might appear plain and undesirable, but the minimalist theme in reality sets the tone for his/her message and heightens the material. Everything matters. Every choice either moves you towards your goal or away from it.
Personally, I do not pay a lot of attention to figures because traffic is not part of my objective. I consider and track analytics each month, but that is really more about curiosity. I seek trends, try out other ideas, and learn from my errors. I consider my site as a ring, and I think about appealing to readers who heighten the quality of the discussion. The point? My technique is deliberate and fits my total goal. Incidentally, my figures have more than tripled since 1/1/10. Information, expertise, and opinion are promptly available from an endless assortment of sources.
I consistently follow writers and other bloggers to keep up with the trends and ideas of others. The things that are most important are consistency and legitimacy. Antics and tricks provide short-term spikes at the expense of long-term trust and loyalty. You may fool me into visiting, but I won’t be back if you treat me like a fool. Beware of barriers
the secret to make money from the internet is the blogging.
the secret to make money from the internet
is the blogging.
in each network may are doing a blog but provides a diaikasia called ping
each suspension are doing you will automatically ANY traffic
for example 2 episketes per publication
now if we put that we 5blogs for 2 visitors 10 per publication.
they work hard and graphics 5Article the day immediately automatically will bring a traffic
on our blog 50 visitors a day 1500 each month.
esti simply without putting the public of the social media and the organic traffic from google.
along the way will be doing and interfaces with other bloggers and we have and from there a public.
All this would be meaningless if not converted into money.
also a profit will remove from the affiliate programs you promote with banners on the blog
with this the formula will not solely rely on search engines but in our own strength.
is the blogging.
in each network may are doing a blog but provides a diaikasia called ping
each suspension are doing you will automatically ANY traffic
for example 2 episketes per publication
now if we put that we 5blogs for 2 visitors 10 per publication.
they work hard and graphics 5Article the day immediately automatically will bring a traffic
on our blog 50 visitors a day 1500 each month.
esti simply without putting the public of the social media and the organic traffic from google.
along the way will be doing and interfaces with other bloggers and we have and from there a public.
All this would be meaningless if not converted into money.
also a profit will remove from the affiliate programs you promote with banners on the blog
with this the formula will not solely rely on search engines but in our own strength.
How Affiliate Marketing Works
How Affiliate Marketing Works
Within this example a 'advertiser' is an online advertiser with a transactional website where you can buy products or services. An 'affiliate' is an online publisher or partner who has access to traffic.
Publishers are traditionally website owners who can send traffic, via links to your site. They do this on the basis that any sales generated from this traffic will
earn them an agreed commission. This reward model is commonly known as Cost Per Action (CPA) and is more transparent and accountable than the older Cost Per Click (CPC) model.
In 2014 online spending in the UK exceeded £100 billion for the first time – reaching £104 billion. This was up by 14% on the previous year. E-Retail now accounts for an estimated 24% of the total retail market*
Adgild Hop, Head of Retail Consulting at Cap Gemini commented “2014 has
been an important milestone for the online retail sector, with the £100 billion mark being exceeded for the first time. When we consider that almost £1 in
every £4 is now spent online, and that a large proportion of the other £3 is influenced by some form of digital interaction, it becomes very clear that retailers need to continue to embrace the opportunity that e-retail poses.”
Affiliate marketing saw some impressive results. The third IAB Performance marketing study in conjunction with PWC uncovered that 4,000 advertisers
spent £1.1 billion across 12,000 publishers in 2014. This was an 8% increase in spend on 2013 figures and a 95% increase from 2008.
The Formula – How to Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
The Formula – How to Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
kinds of goals for yourself. In this chapter, we’ll lay out some simple instructions that you can follow to begin putting these ideas into practice.
Later we’ll be applying this same formula to different areas of your life, so that you can start going after a better body, better salary and better love life. But in each instance, we’ll be
reapplying this same strategy.
Step 1: Visualization
The first and most important step is to visualize what you want and to really understand what
you want. We already discussed this a little in respect to becoming richer. Often you’ll find it’s
not really the money that you want but rather what that money represents in terms of your lifestyle or your status.
The same goes for being fit. It’s not enough to want to be thinner or healthier, you need to understand your own motivations for wanting that. Do you want to feel more physically
capable, perhaps become a professional athlete? Do you want to prevent the deterioration that many experience as they age? Or do you want to look amazing so that you can be more
successful with the opposite sex.
What Good Goals Look Like
So, what does a good goal look like? How might you phrase this same objective in a manner that will increase your chances of success?
The first thing to do, is to focus on things that are immediately within your control and that are not influenced by outside factors at all. These goals should be things that you can accomplish in a guaranteed manner and that you will be immediately graded on on a pass-fail basis.
So for instance, instead of aiming to lose 2 stone by next year, you would use this goal:
“I will work out three times a week, every week, for at least 15 minutes”
Now that is a goal that you can aim for. Regardless of your metabolism, or of injury, or of any other outside factor, this is a goal that you can accomplish. It also means you can’t ‘put off’ the goal and it means you’ll never reach that disappointing point where you can no longer stand any chance of completing it. At any point in your life, there is no reason that you can’t set out to accomplish this goal and expect to be successful.
But by focussing on this small short term goal, you will then find that the long-term goal of losing the weight takes care of itself.
How to Formulate Your Goals
But that doesn’t mean that any short-term goal that is binary in nature is going to cut it.
First of all, you need to know what you want and make sure that the goal you are setting for yourself is going to help you get there. You need your goals to be intrinsically motivating and that means that you have to feel truly passionate about them. It’s only be following a goal you really feel excited about, that you will find you have the energy and motivation to keep going.
Working out for 15 minutes a day is an effective goal because it is sure to take you closer to your broader goal of losing weight. By keeping that end goal in mind, you should stand a better chance of staying motivated to work out even when you’re feeling tired, or when you’re feeling low on will-power.
And you shouldn’t just be aiming to ‘lose weight’ either. Instead, you should have a more concrete vision of what this entails. Do you want to be thinner? Do you want to be more muscular? Why do you want that thing? Is it so that you will be more attractive to the opposite sex? Or because you want more energy? Be honest with yourself and listen to that drive inside that is pushing you toward the goal you want to accomplish.
If your goal is to make money, then try to focus on what the emotional hook is that is making you want that money. It likely boils down to more than cash – maybe it’s status you really want? Power? Confidence? Freedom? Only by really understanding the true nature of your own dreams can you a) take the fastest route to accomplishing them and b) maintain the drive and motivation you’re going to need to get there.
This is going to require some soul-searching!
Moreover, you need to ensure that the goals are achievable and realistic and that you have broken them down into small enough steps. Case in point: our goal for weight loss is to work out 15 minutes per day. That’s a tiny amount but it works because it’s achievable and realistic. If you make your goal harder – such as working out for an hour a day – then you’re going to find you’re quickly disappointed when you can’t find the time or the energy. You’ll put off the exercise and make excuses. The best part about training for just 15 minutes is that once you start, you’ll often find you go for longer.
Put it this way: it’s much better to have a small, easy-to-accomplish goal and stick with it, than it is to have a massive, life-changing goal that you can’t manage!
But of course if you’re making your goal smaller, that means that it will take you longer to reach the eventual destination you’re gunning for. This is not a problem: this is just another thing you need to accept if you want to accomplish anything. Things worth havingtake time. Take small steady steps and enjoy the journey.
The Most Powerful Skill You Can Learn: Goal Setting
The Most Powerful Skill You Can Learn: Goal Setting
Learning how toset goals properly is arguably the most powerful skill that you can possibly learn. Why? Because it will allow you to then accomplish a huge range of other goals. When you know how to set goals, it allows you to effectively work toward anything. This is the key to unlocking pretty much everything you could want from life.
So ironically, the first goal you should focus on is the goal of setting goals!
And until now, you’ve probably been doing it all wrong…
How can a goal be wrong?
Sure, any objective is a worthwhile one, but the way that you phrase your goals and structure them, is going to massively change your likelihood of finding success.
Let’s take weight loss as an example because it’s one of the more straightforward goals that is easiest to implement.
When you set out to lose weight, you should start with a concrete goal. And for most people this will look something like this:
“Lose 2 stone by next year”
This is a terrible goal.
At the same time, it’s out of your control. Even if you are completely committed to your goal, you may find that outside forces prevent you from being successful. Maybe you get ill, maybe you accidentally follow the wrong program, maybe it turns out you have a bad metabolism!
Finally, the goal is too far in the future. If your goal is to lose weight by next year, that then essentially gives you a license to procrastinate. The target is so far away, that you indulge yourself in a little overeating or put off exercise for a while and not worry about it until next month.
6 months pass and you realize you’re actually further from your goal.
And because it’s too late, you’re likely to just give up at this point.
What Good Goals Look Like
So, what does a good goal look like? How might you phrase this same objective in a manner that will increase your chances of success?
The first thing to do, is to focus on things that are immediately within your control and that are not influenced by outside factors at all. These goals should be things that you can accomplish in a guaranteed manner and that you will be immediately graded on on a pass-fail basis.
So for instance, instead of aiming to lose 2 stone by next year, you would use this goal:
“I will work out three times a week, every week, for at least 15 minutes”
Now that is a goal that you can aim for. Regardless of your metabolism, or of injury, or of any other outside factor, this is a goal that you can accomplish. It also means you can’t ‘put off’ the goal and it means you’ll never reach that disappointing point where you can no longer stand any chance of completing it. At any point in your life, there is no reason that you can’t set out to accomplish this goal and expect to be successful.
But by focussing on this small short term goal, you will then find that the long-term goal of losing the weight takes care of itself.
Learning how toset goals properly is arguably the most powerful skill that you can possibly learn. Why? Because it will allow you to then accomplish a huge range of other goals. When you know how to set goals, it allows you to effectively work toward anything. This is the key to unlocking pretty much everything you could want from life.
So ironically, the first goal you should focus on is the goal of setting goals!
And until now, you’ve probably been doing it all wrong…
How can a goal be wrong?
Sure, any objective is a worthwhile one, but the way that you phrase your goals and structure them, is going to massively change your likelihood of finding success.
Let’s take weight loss as an example because it’s one of the more straightforward goals that is easiest to implement.
When you set out to lose weight, you should start with a concrete goal. And for most people this will look something like this:
“Lose 2 stone by next year”
This is a terrible goal.
At the same time, it’s out of your control. Even if you are completely committed to your goal, you may find that outside forces prevent you from being successful. Maybe you get ill, maybe you accidentally follow the wrong program, maybe it turns out you have a bad metabolism!
Finally, the goal is too far in the future. If your goal is to lose weight by next year, that then essentially gives you a license to procrastinate. The target is so far away, that you indulge yourself in a little overeating or put off exercise for a while and not worry about it until next month.
6 months pass and you realize you’re actually further from your goal.
And because it’s too late, you’re likely to just give up at this point.
What Good Goals Look Like
So, what does a good goal look like? How might you phrase this same objective in a manner that will increase your chances of success?
The first thing to do, is to focus on things that are immediately within your control and that are not influenced by outside factors at all. These goals should be things that you can accomplish in a guaranteed manner and that you will be immediately graded on on a pass-fail basis.
So for instance, instead of aiming to lose 2 stone by next year, you would use this goal:
“I will work out three times a week, every week, for at least 15 minutes”
Now that is a goal that you can aim for. Regardless of your metabolism, or of injury, or of any other outside factor, this is a goal that you can accomplish. It also means you can’t ‘put off’ the goal and it means you’ll never reach that disappointing point where you can no longer stand any chance of completing it. At any point in your life, there is no reason that you can’t set out to accomplish this goal and expect to be successful.
But by focussing on this small short term goal, you will then find that the long-term goal of losing the weight takes care of itself.
Τετάρτη 23 Αυγούστου 2017
network marketing
συμπληρώματα , που εξαπλώνεται καθημερινά σε όλο τον κόσμο .
Η ιδέα ηταν απλή τα στελέχη της εταιρίας σκέφτηκαν να δώσουν μπόνους στου πωλητές τους οχι μόνο απο την δίκη τους παραγωγή αλλά και απο άλλους που θα αναπτύσσονταν απο αυτους στην πορεία . Τοτε δημιουργήθηκε η ιδέα του δυκτιακου η ομαδικού μαρκετινγκ . Στην αρχή της πορείας του κατηγορήθηκε πολλές φορές για το αν ηταν νόμιμο . Γίνανε δικαστήρια τα οποία συμφώνησαν σε ενα κοινό κώδικα δεοντολογίας .
Απο τοτε ξεκηνισαν να αναπτύσονται με αυτο το σύστημα παρα πολλές εταιρίες . Σήμερα διακινούνται δισεκατομμύρια προιόντα και υπηρεσίες με αποτέλεσμα να ειναι η μια απο τις πιο ανερχόμενες βιομηχανίες μετά απο την βιομηχανική επανάσταση .
Το δυκτιακο μαρκετινγκ διδάσκεται σε αρκετά πανεπιστήμια ως μια εναλλακτική μορφή επιχειρηματικότητας .
Ο καθε ένας εχει την ευκαιρία και την δυνατότητα να χτίσει το οικονομικό του μέλλον , να αποκτήσει ελευθερία και ανεξαρτησία εφόσον το πάρει απόφαση να ασχοληθεί επαγγελματικά με αυτο .
φυσικά το σύστημα αυτο δεν ειναι κατι μαγικό απαιτεί προσπάθεια , εκπαίδευση και δουλεια για να επιτευχθούν ολα αυτα τα αποτελέσματα . Ειναι κατι απλό που δημιουργήθηκε απο ανθρώπους με όραμα να προσφέρουν σε αυτους που εργαστούν πολλά περισσότερα απο αυτα που είχαν φανταστεί .
ΣΤο παραδοσιακό επιχειρείν ενα προΐον για να φτάσει στον τελικό καταναλωτή περνάει απο πολλούς μεσάζοντες χονδρεμπόρους , λιανέμπορους μέχρι να το χρησιμοποίηση κάποιος .
Φυσικά ολους αυτους τους πληρώνει ο πελάτης μεσα στην τιμή .
Το ομαδικό μαρκετινγκ διαγραφεί ολους αυτους , το προΐον που πέρνει ο καταναλωτής εχει την τέλεια σχέση ποιότητας τιμής .
Αυτα τα προιόντα δεν διακινούνται μεσα απο καταστήματα και ούτε διαφημίζονται .
Ανεξάρτητοι συνεργάτες ειναι αυτοί που μεσολαβούν και διακινούν το προΐον στον τελικό καταναλωτή κερδίζοντας την διαφορά λιανικής - χονδρικης .
Εχουμε ολα τα οφέλη του ελεύθερου επαγγελματία και επιχειρηματία χωρις τα έξοδα .
Το σύστημα δημιουργήθηκε για να βοηθήσει και οχι για να μας κάνει τη ζωη πιο δύσκολη και περίπλοκη .
Την στιγμή που ειναι κατι τοςο ποιοτικό αυτο θα μιλάει απο μόνο του . Αν λοιπόν ένας νέος συνεργάτης αναπτύξει πέντε με δέκα ευχαριστημένους πελάτες τοτε και αυτοί θα μεταφέρουν το μυνημα και την πληροφορία σε άλλους πέντε αυτο ειναι αναπόφευκτο .
Καθημερινά ερχόμαστε σε επαφή με άλλους ανθρώπους και μιλάμε για κατι μου μας έκανε εντύπωση μας έλυσε ενα πρόβλημα , για κατι καινούργιο που μάθαμε .
Αυτο ηταν όλο, τοσο απλό . Εάν και εσυ επιθυμείς ενα μέλλον με οικονομική ανεξαρτησία και ασφάλεια επικοινώνησε άμεσα 6986252138
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Επιτυχία με τρία υλικά
Καθε μέρα κλείνουν επιχειρήσεις και υπάλληλοι μένουν χωρις δουλειές .
Δεν μπορούν να ανταπεξέλθουν στα έξοδα και στους φόρους .
Η κακή διαχείρηση σε συνδυασμό με το λάθος έως καθόλου μάρκετιγκ εχει αποτέλεσμα οι πελάτες και ο τζίρος να μην φτάνουν για να καλύψει τα έξοδα μια επιχειρηση .
Στη πραγματικότητα το ρίσκο δεν υπάρχει απλα εμείς το ορίζουμε .
Εχει να κάνει με τη σειρά που θα ξοδέψουμε χρηματα για την επιχειρηση μας
Αν πρώτα πληρώσουμε και στη συνέχεια περιμένουμε να φέρουμε πελάτες για να βγάλουμε ενα κέρδος τοτε ρισκάρουμε .
Απο την άλλη αν δεν εχουμε πάγια έξοδα υπαλλήλους , ενοίκια κλπ τοτε ο καθε πελάτης που φέρουμε θα εχει μεγαλύτερη αξία και φυσικά περισσότερο κέρδος για μας .
Το δεύτερο συστατικό επιτυχίας ειναι οι καθημερινές ενέργειες προς στην σωστή κατεύθυνση .
Το μαρκετινγκ τώρα θα μας φέρει τους πρώτους πελάτες .
Το μαρκετινγκ ειναι κοινό για ολους τους παίκτες της αγοράς .
Απο διαφημίσεις στην τηλεόραση , στο διαδύκτιο , φυλλάδια , εκθέσεις
Ολα αυτα ειναι τα ίδια για την μεγάλη πολυεθνική και για το μαγαζί στη γωνία .
Τη κάνει λοιπόν την διαφορά , τα κόστη και η διαχείρηση .
Το πιο σημαντικό ειναι τα καθημερινά πράγματα που κάνει κάποιος .
Καθε μέρα κρύβει ενα θυσαυρο που καλούμαστε να τον ανακαλύψουμε
Αν θέλεις να μάθεις περισσότερα για μια τέτοια επιχειρηση τοτε
Μπορεις να δεις εδώ .
passive income
Όλοι μας εχουμε δικαίωμα σε μια ζωη ανεξάρτητη με ελευθερία .
Σήμερα οι ευκαιρίες ειναι περισσότερες απο ποτέ . Δεν τίθεται θέμα του τι θα κάνει κάποιος αλλά αν θα ειναι πετύχημενος . Τα σεμινάρια και οι συνεδρίες προσωπικής ανάπτυξης ειναι πολυ δημοφιλείς σήμερα .
Μεσα μας εχουμε δυνάμεις που αν τις ξεκληδωσουμε τα αποτέλεσμα θα ειναι πέρα απο τη φαντασία μας .
Οι μεγάλες εταιρίες τώρα αρχίζουν να αντιλαμβάνονται αυτα ολα για να αναπτύσσουν πετυχημένα στελέχη σε όλο τον κόσμο .
Η κρίση που βιώνουμε σήμερα ειναι απλα ενα σταυροδρόμι μια παύση που κάνουν όλοι
Αναθεωρούν πολλά πράγματα και αποβάλουν οτιδήποτε επιπλέον .
Η βιομηχανική επανάσταση εχει τελειώσει το ιδιο και οι υπάλληλοι της .
Ο καθε ένας εχει την δυνατότητα με καθόλου ρίσκο και πολυ μικρό κεφάλαιο να ιδρύσει την δίκη του προσωπική επιχειρηση .
Δεν θα προσλαμβάνει υπαλλήλους αλλά θα αναπτύσσει πετυχημένα στελέχη .
Οι δυνατότητες ειναι πέρα απο καθε φαντασία .
Αυτός που θα αναπτυχθεί θα γνωρίσει καλύτερα τον εαυτό του θα εχει και το ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα στην αγορά .
Ακόμη υπαρχουν άτομα που αποκτούν δεξιότητες για μια καλή θέση .
Η επανάσταση όμως εχει ξεκινήσει , τα πράγματα πηγαίνουν με τέτοιο τροπο που οδηγούν ολα αυτα τα άτομα σε οικονομικό αδιέξοδο .
Αργά η γρήγορα θα ανακαλύψουν την νέα τάση .
Αν θέλεις και εσυ να βιώσεις οικονομική ελευθερία στη ζωη σου και να αναπτύξεις ικανότητες που θα αλλάξουν τη ζωη σου μια για πάντα σε οποία κατάσταση και να βρίσκεσαι τώρα , δεν παίζει κανένα ρόλο , επικοινώνησε βάζοντας τα στοιχεία σου δίπλα στη φόρμα .
Καθε χρονο θα αναπτύσονται νέα στελέχη σε όλο τον κόσμο , σε ενα σύγχρονο επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο . Το αν θα είσαι εσυ το επόμενο εχει να κάνει αποκλειστικα με εσένα , αυτο ειναι δίκη σου επιλογή και απόφαση .
marketing on fire
το δυκτιακο μαρκετινγκ κάνει συνηθισμένους ανθρώπους ασυνήθιστα πλούσιους .
Πριν γίνει αυτο θα σου δείξω ενα τροπο για 200-300 αυτη την εβδομάδα .
Ειναι πιο απλό απο τι φαίνεται . Απλα θέλω να σκεφτείς το εξής : εάν αυτη τη εβδομάδα άνοιγες ενα μαγαζί σε εναν εμπορικό δρόμο οι γνωστοί σου , οι φίλοι , οι συγγενείς και κάποιοι γείτονες εάν τους ενημερώνες για αυτη σου την επιχειρηματική κίνηση δεν θα αγόραζαν ενα με δυο προιόντα των είκοσι ευρώ ;
Στην πραγματικότητα αυτο συμβενει σε καθε επιχειρηση αλλά λόγω οτι τα μηνιαία έξοδα ειναι πολλά δεν φαίνονται σαν κέρδος .
Στο δυκτιακο όμως μαρκετινγκ δεν υπαρχουν αυτα τα έξοδα ετσι όλο το ποσό αυτο ειναι κέρδος για τον συνεργάτη .
Στη συνέχεια για πιο μεγάλα ποσά απλα αυτο που χρειάζεται ειναι να εκπεδευσουμε πέντε άτομα και να δείξουμε αυτόν τον τροπο για να κερδίσουν και αυτοί τα δικά τους τριακόσια ευρώ μεσα σε μια εβδομάδα .
Σε αυτο το επίπεδο εμείς που υποστηρίξαμε και διδάξαμε τον τροπο σε αυτα τα πέντε άτομα τα κέρδη δηλαδή τα μπόνους μας ειναι περίπου στα χίλια ευρώ το μηνα που θα επιτευχθεί αυτο .
Συνεχώς θα υπαρχουν άτομα που θα εχουν ανάγκη αυτα τα χρηματα είτε να πληρώσουν μια δόση , εναν λογαριασμό η να αγοράσουν οτιδήποτε .
Οποίο και εάν ειναι το αποτέλεσμα πάντα ο συνεργάτης ειναι κερδισμένος γιατι δεν ρισκάρει κατι .
Η ευκαιρία αυτη ειναι πολυ μεγάλη σε οποίον την κατανοήσει και φυσικά αποφασίσει να την βάλει σε πράξη . Να εργαστεί έξυπνα και στρατηγικά . Ολα αυτα τα ποσά ειναι ενδεικτικά προέρχονται μόνο μεσα απο αφοσίωση εκπαίδευση και εργασία .
Ακόμα και πενήντα ευρώ να βγάλει κάποιος και να πάρει προιόντα για τον εαυτό του ειναι κερδισμένος δηλαδή ένας έξυπνος καταναλωτής .
Για να λειτουργήσει αυτο το είδους μάρκετιγκ χρειάζεται να το κρατάμε απλό για να μπορει να αναπαράγεται και να πολλαπλασιάζεται η επιχειρηση μας . Δεν ειναι πρόσθεση αλλά πολλαπλασιασμός .
Το δεύτερο σημαντικό στοιχείο ειναι όλη αυτη τη δράση να την κάνουμε γρήγορα και οργανωμένα .
Με αυτόν τον τροπο δημιουργούμε μια λίστα εκατό ανθρώπων που γνωρίζουμε γύρω μας και απο αυτους επιλέγουμε τους εικοσιπέντε με τριάντα που θα επικοινωνήσουμε άμεσα και θα αποτελέσουν τους πρώτους μας καταναλωτές .
Θέτουμε τον πρώτο στόχο μας γραπτά και τον βάζουμε κάπου για να τον βλέπουμε καθε μέρα .
Το επάγγελμα αυτο εχει την δυναμική να μας δώσει τόσα όσα δεν μπορούμε να φανταστούμε οταν το δουλεύουμε με τον σωστό τροπο .
Η εταιρια η οποία ειναι ο συνεργάτης μας προμηθεύει με προιόντα εξαιρετικής ποιότητας και μας αποδίδει τα μπόνους καθε μηνα βάσει της ανάπτυξης που εχουμε .
Η επιτυχία σαν ανεξάρτητοι συνεργάτες ειναι αποκλειστική δίκη μας ευθύνη .
Απαραίτητο στοιχείο ειναι να κατανοήσουμε τα συστατικά εκείνα που επιδρούν θετικά στην προσπάθεια που καταβάλουμε καθημερινά .
Η γνώση αυτη δεν διδάσκεται σε κάποιο πανεπιστήμιο .τα λάθη και η ακόρεστη επιμονή για επιτυχία κάνανε τους μεγαλύτερους δικτιοτες στον κόσμο να καταγράψουν ορισμένες ενέργειες που ειναι αποτελεσματικές .
Στην πραγματικότητα ειναι μια επιχειρηση ανθρώπων . Αυτός που νιώθει τον παλμό των ανθρώπων βρίσκεται αυτόματα σε πλεονεκτική θέση .
Η φύση της ανθρώπινης προσωπικότητας ανταποκρίνεται με τον ίδιο τροπο σε καθε εποχή .επανω σε αυτο στηρίζεται και η επιστήμη της ιστορίας .
Δηλαδή εάν κάποιος κατανοήσει αυτα τα στοιχεία , εκπαιδευτεί και αφιερώσει χρονο και προσπάθεια τα αποτελέσματα που θα εχει ειναι απολύτως μετρήσιμα .
Η συνεχής προσπάθεια για ανάπτυξη και επιτυχια ειναι το πρώτο σημαντικό χαρακτηριστικό των ατόμων με τα οποία θα συνεργαστούμε και θα εντάξουμε στην ομάδα μας .
Στην αρχή θα φαίνονται ολα πολυ δύσκολα χωρις να υπάρχει κανένα αποτέλεσμα .
Σιγά σιγά όσο μαθαίνουμε τόνο τροπο που πρέπει να κινούμαστε θα φαντάζει πιο πολυ με ενα διασκεδαστικό παιχνίδι .
Ετσι θα χτίσουμε μια διασκεδαστική επιχειρηση που οι άνθρωποι θα θέλουν να συνεργαστούν μαζί μας .
Πολλές φορές αναρωτιόμαστε αν αξίζει τον κόπο η προσπάθεια που κάνουμε .
Δεν εινα λίγες οι φορές που φτάνουμε σε αδιέξοδο σημείο .
Βλέπουμε οτι η ενέργεια που βάζουμε σε μια εργασία δεν μας ανταμείβει .
Τα εμπόδια στέκονται μπροςτα μας και δεν μα αφήνουν .
Η πραγματικότητα όμως δεν ειναι αυτη .
Ειναι αναγκαίο να κοιτάμε μπροστα πάντα γιατι η ανταμοιβή μας εχει προσπέραση και μας περιμένει .
Αν σταματήσουμε στα πρώτα εμπόδια που θα βγουν στο δρόμο μας απλα δεν αξξιξουμε την επιτυχια .
Σε αυτο το σημείο οι στόχοι μας βγάζουν απο το δίλλημα αυτής της απόφασης .
Να σταματήσουμε η να συνεχίσουμε χωρις αποτέλεσμα .
Γνωρίζουμε που πάμε και τη ειναι ακριβώς αυτο που επιθυμούμε .
Οπως ενα πλοίο που δεν γυρίζει πίσω στην πρώτη φουρτούνα που θα βρεθεί .
Ο καπετάνιος πριν το ταξίδι εχει χαράξει την πορεία που θα ακολουθήσει .
Δεν τον πτοεί τίποτα αργά η γρήγορα θα ειναι έκει που είχε προβλέψει .
Με αυτόν τον τροπο λειτουργούν και οι στόχοι .
Λάθη θα κάνουμε , δυσκολίες θα υπάρξουν αλλά δεν θα τα παρατήσουμε .
Οι στόχοι πάντα ειναι γραπτοί και μετρήσιμοι για να γνωρίζουμε καθε μέρα που βρισκόμαστε και τη ενέργειες απαιτούνται για να τους υλοποιήσουμε .
Η επιτυχια δεν ειναι αποτέλεσμα τυχαίων γεγονότων που συμβαίνουν .
Η συνεχής καθημερινή προσπάθεια σε συνδυασμό με τους στόχους ειναι αυτο θελουμε για να εχουμε οτιδήποτε επιθυμούμε στη ζωη μας .
affiliate marketing
το affiliate marketing είναι ένας συναρπαστικός τρόπος για να βγάλει κάποιος χρήματα
απ το διαδίκτυο.
η λειτουργία του είναι απλή. το πρώτο που χρειαζόμαστε είναι μια δική μας ιστοσελίδα .
μέσα από αυτή θα έρχονται οι επισκέπτες θα κάνουν κλικ και με αυτόν τον τρόπο Θα κερδίζουμε χρήματα.
για τον λόγο αυτό πριν κάνουμε την ιστοσελίδα μας πρέπει να επιλέξουμε σε ποια προγράμματα affiliate
θα κάνουμε εγγραφή. στην αγορά υπάρχουν πάρα πολλές επιλογές βέβαια καλό θα ήταν να διαλέξουμε ένα πρόγραμμα
με μεγάλη απήχηση στο ευρύ κοινό και αποδεδειγμένη επιτυχία.
για παράδειγμα το amazon , υπηρεσίες φιλοξενίας στο ιντερνέτ, email marketing και πολλά άλλα.
μια δεύτερη διέξοδος είναι η υπηρεσία adsene από την google.
η ίδια η google σε αυτή την περίπτωση προβάλει διαφημίσεις άλλων στην δική μας ιστοσελίδα και για κάθε κλικ
που κάνει κάποιος επισκέπτης της σελίδας μας δίνει κάποια Σεντ για κάθε κλικ.
για βγάλουμε ένα σεβαστό κέρδος από αυτόν τον τρόπο χρειάζεται να έχουμε πολλές προβολές στο site μας.
η όλη αυτή διαδικασία του affiliate marketing είναι στην ουσία αυτοματοποιημένη.
το μόνο πράγμα που μας ενδιαφέρει στην ουσία είναι να προσελκύουμε συνεχώς όλο και περισσότερο κοινό
στην ιστοσελίδα μας.
για να πετύχουμε τον στόχο μας που είναι χρήματα από το σπίτι μέσω του ιντερνέτ , το μόνο που μας λείπει
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